Public Art

Chris Wyllie, Parlor Bar & Kitchen, 200 Broadway,

Below is a list of Newport, Rhode Island’s “public art” that can be seen throughout the city.

Do you know about PUBLIC ART in NEWPORT that we don’t have listed on this page? If so, email us using the CONTACT US FORM to let us know!

Public art is visually and physically accessible to the public; it is installed in public spaces, both outdoor and indoor.

Public art seeks to embody public or universal concepts rather than commercial, partisan, or personal concepts or interests.

Public art is also the direct or indirect product of a public creation, procurement, or maintenance process.

  1. Chris Wyllie, Parlor Bar & Kitchen, 200 Broadway
  2. Sue McNally, Newport After Kensett, 140 Broadway
  3. Jy-Tique Harris & Ayell Collette, 6 Mann Avenue
  4. Luke Brenner, Boru, Broadway & Marlborough Street
  5. Jy-Tique Harris, River Lane, Broadway & Marlborough Street
  6. Hank Whitin, Pour Judgement, 32 Broadway
  7. Shaday Viruet, Newport Art Museum, 76 Bellevue Avenue
  8. Mike Hansel, Newport Art Museum, 76 Bellevue Avenue
  9. Chris Wyllie, Newport Wine Cellar, 5 Merton Road
  10. Sun Quest, Liquid Summer, 26 Bacheller Street
  11. Dorrance Hamilton Gallery, Antone Academic Center-Salve, Lawrence & Leroy Avenues
  12. Jy-Tique Harris, the Big Blue Bike Barn,  Aquidneck Community Table, Sunset Boulevard
  1. Chris Wyllie, Parlor Bar & Kitchen, 200 Broadway, Newport, RI 02840
  1. Sue McNally, 140 Broadway, Newport, RI 02840

NPT After Kensett / 2019, Nova paint on cement wall, Approx 45 feet wide by 23 feet high

Location: 140 Broadway, South Wall, Newport,RI
  1. Jy-Tique Harris & Ayell Collette, 6 Mann Avenue, Newport, RI 02840

4. Luke Brenner, Boru, Broadway & Marlborough Street, Newport Rhode Island

5. Jy-Tique Harris, River Lane, Broadway & Marlborough Street

  1. Hank Whitin, Pour Judgement, 32 Broadway, Newport, RI 02840

7. Shaday Viruet, Newport Art Museum,  76 Bellevue Avenue, Newport Rhode Island 02840

8. Mike Hansel, Newport Art Museum, 76 Bellevue Avenue, Newport, Rhode Island 02840

  1. Chris Wyllie, Newport Wine Cellar, 5 Merton Road, Newport, Rhode Island 02840
  1. Sun Quest, Liquid Summer, 26 Bacheller Street, Newport, RI 02840
  1. Dorrance Hamilton Gallery, Antone Academic Center-Salve, Lawrence & Leroy Avenues, Newport, Rhode Island 02840
  1. Jy-Tique Harris, the Bike Newport’s Big Blue Bike Barn, Aquidneck Community Table, 20 Sunset Boulevard